Whether it’s due to a terrorist attack, a mass shooting, presidential election, legislative session in Virginia or a Coronavirus Pandemic, ammunition inventories everywhere vanish and prices sky-rocket overnight when SHTF!
For the most part it always boils down to supply and demand. We didn’t buy enough regularly before SHTF and now all of a sudden we want more! During slower times, manufacturers don’t have a demand like that. They can’t justify buying components or hire the staff needed to keep up when it’s slow. Then BANG! Shit happens and we’re surprised when they run out and the price doubles. That 9mm ammo that was 17 CPR is now 45+ CPR for the next two years!
Help stop this in the future by committing to shoot more often and restock every month! Buy more ammo regularly so these companies have a reason to tool, consumables and staff up to provide a more steady and higher high volume output of ammo.