Merchants and Creators Unpublished or Censored at Facebook Can Declare Ammo Independence Here!

Are you a Merchant, Creator or Publisher in the ammo community that is fed up having to carefully walk the line at sites like Facebook to avoid getting censored or limited or have pages and content unpublished? This Ammo Friendly Social Network is for you!

This ammo-friendly social network alternative to Facebook is here to stay! It has and is continually being developed to help us reclaim and maintain online ammo freedoms permanently lost elsewhere. Where American Ways are Welcome!

Our mistake? Not learning our lessons with Google, Ebay, Craigslist and more who all once allowed guns and ammo. We knew that any website created in anti-gun California would eventually stab us in the back just like so many before them. I for one never would have joined Facebook in the first place had it not been for the once popular Gun Trader Groups which they then decided in their infinite wisdom to disallow after many years of activity. I personally had groups with well over 3500 people only in Montana.

The first huge mistake Facebook made was restricting gun trader groups and the private sale of guns and ammo on what was likely the safest place online ever to buy, sell and trade guns privately online. If they were serious about online gun safety, they never would have stopped. Facebook gave us a quick profile on someone before we ever even had to make contact. That was the reason behind the development of my first site and the model for this site at Their blocking of that safe platform.

Their second biggest mistake was creating a reporting system. A system that is easily exploited by mobs of anti-gun trolls to report posts they simply don’t agree with. If your Facebook page has more Followers than Likes, you’re a mob troll target! This magical system even they don’t understand is understood clearly by socialist networking trolls. They literally have groups of people who target specific pages and group posts where they organize to report posts of any flavor they see unfit.

Declare Independence From Anti-Gun Social Networks that Hate You and Your Followers Here!

How to fund your own ammo cache selling ammo to your friends, family and followers without a website!

Do you want to fund your own ammo cache posting great ammo deals for friends, family and followers elsewhere and on The Top Ammo Sites Feed?

#1 – Join Top Ammunition Sites – Then copy your profile page url to your clipboard.

#2 – Join Lucky Referrals – Paste your Top Ammunition Sites profile URL as your website.

#3 – After approval, start sharing your own custom links and make 3% every time someone buys through your link!

#4 – Find more ways to promote your own ammo fund program and get free tools in The Top Ammunition Sites Affiliates Group.

* Have a website and want a search box that will automatically add your affiliate code like the one above does after search? Click here to get it free now..

Palmetto State Armory: “We ARE shipping ammo to California again!!!”

UPDATE: Unfortunately a stay was issued by the 9th circuit, so we cannot ship directly to the residence of those in California.

Below is what PSA has sent out regarding shipping ammo to California…..

Hi All,

On April 23, Judge Roger Benitez enjoined California from enforcing a state law that required background checks and banned internet sales of ammunition. Palmetto State Armory applauds the court’s decision. As a result of the injunction, Palmetto State Armory is now accepting orders for ammunition from California.

A firearm without ammunition is a car without an engine. The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms, and as the judge said, that right is the “insurance policy behind the right to life.” Palmetto State Armory is proud to offer firearms and ammunition for you to protect your right to life.

Thank you,

Palmetto State Armory

Free Lucky Gunner Lucky Referrals Affiliate Website Tool That Adds Your Tracking RID Automatically to WPRSS Feed Links!

Our Lucky Gunner Latest In-Stock Ammunition Feed always displays to visitors the latest ammo that Lucky Gunner has listed within 15 minutes. Find an example of this function at the bottom of this page. Affiliates Group Members can get this free plugin that will automatically add their RID to Lucky Gunner’s Lucky Referrals Links at their WordPress Site! This plugin can this the most valuable plugin you have ever owned. Free to Top Ammunition Sites Affiliates!


Find the five latest ammo listings posted online at Lucky Gunner as an example of this plugins power below. Click or hover links to see “/#rid=” in the end of every url. Change his easily to your rid in seconds after activating this simple free plugin. That way your cookie gets set and you receive credit as a Lucky Referrals Affiliate!


Hover or click any of the links above and find that the url then displays the tracking /#rid=account behind every link.

How do I add this rss feed at my WordPress site and add my Lucky Referrals rid tracker?

#1 Join Lucky Gunner’s Lucky Referrals Program through this link if you haven’t already to make 3% every time you sell their ammo.

#2 Add a plugin in your WordPress Website titled WP RSS Aggregator:

#3 Add the Lucky Gunner RSS Feed Source to the RSS Aggregator. Copy the short code to display it on a post, page or widget.

#4 Create a post or page and title something like Lucky Gunner Latest In-Stock Ammunition Feed.

#5 Paste the short code. Make adjustments in RSS Aggregator to suit your needs. Study more at their website.

#6 Join Top Ammunition Sites and The Affiliates Group to find links and information or ask about this plugin.

How can gun owners help keep ammo in stock and cheap? Shoot more and buy more ammo!

Whether it’s due to a terrorist attack, a mass shooting, presidential election, legislative session in Virginia or a Coronavirus Pandemic, ammunition inventories everywhere vanish and prices sky-rocket overnight when SHTF!

For the most part it always boils down to supply and demand. We didn’t buy enough regularly before SHTF and now all of a sudden we want more! During slower times, manufacturers don’t have a demand like that. They can’t justify buying components or hire the staff needed to keep up when it’s slow. Then BANG! Shit happens and we’re surprised when they run out and the price doubles. That 9mm ammo that was 17 CPR is now 45+ CPR for the next two years!

Help stop this in the future by committing to shoot more often and restock every month! Buy more ammo regularly so these companies have a reason to tool, consumables and staff up to provide a more steady and higher high volume output of ammo.

Take Poll: The handgun and rifle ammunition calibers that I currently find most difficult to find right now are…

Select all of the calibers you currently find difficult to locate and/or add the caliber answer in the poll, then comment below.

The handgun and rifle ammunition calibers that I currently find most difficult to find right now are...
  • Add your answer

How Do I Make The Most Money Selling Ammo Online Using Affiliate Marketing With or Without a Website?

All websites ranked by visitors at Top Ammunition Sites who are also sponsors use Affiliate Marketing Programs to connect with website developers like us as well as publishers and creators.

Affiliate Marketing is how we connect. Merchants may create their systems own using programs like Post Affiliate Pro or join a larger network like Avantlink. They set up their banners, links and products and then affiliates like the developers of this website register to join their program. Once approved, we share links and banners on our websites and social networks, in videos, etc. These links include sales tracking codes that tell them we sent them. When a sale is made after someone clicks through that link, a commission generally from 3-10% on the product purchased are made.

Which Ammunition Affiliate Marketing program is the best?

The consistently highest ranked website here is Lucky Gunner. Along with great customer service and in stock ammo cheap, they give website developers, publishers and creators the tools they need to market their program and make more money easier with verifiable click through while shopping and on time payments. Their First Party Affiliate Program is Lucky Referrals. They use a software system mentioned above called Post Affiliate Pro. It allows online merchants in any industry to develop their own, full featured third party systems and avoid third parties like Avantlink, Commission Junction, etc.

Top Ammunition Sites (89)

Top Guns and Ammo Friendly Affiliate Marketing Programs To Sell Products And Earn Money Fast

All websites ranked by visitors at Top Ammunition Sites who are also sponsors use Affiliate Marketing Programs to connect with website developers like us as well as publishers and creators.

Affiliate Marketing is how we connect. Merchants may create their systems own using programs like Post Affiliate Pro or join a larger network like Avantlink. They set up their banners, links and products and then affiliates like the developers of this website register to join their program. Once approved, we share links and banners on our websites and social networks, in videos, etc. These links include sales tracking codes that tell them we sent them. When a sale is made after someone clicks through that link, a commission generally from 3-10% on the product purchased are made.

Which Firearms Friendly Affiliate Marketing program is consistently the best?

The consistently highest ranked website here is Lucky Gunner. Along with great customer service and in stock ammo cheap, they give website developers, publishers and creators the tools they need to market their program and make more money easier with verifiable click through while shopping and on time payments. Their First Party Affiliate Program is Lucky Referrals. They use a software system mentioned above called Post Affiliate Pro. It allows online merchants in any industry to develop their own, full featured third party systems and avoid third parties like Avantlink, Commission Junction, etc.

Top Ammunition Sites (89)

Poll: How Much Average Ammo Per Caliber Do You Believe Gun Owners Should Stockpile For SHTF?

Take the poll, react and discuss in the comments below. How much ammo should we be stockpiling for potential SHTF scenarios?

How Much Average Ammo Per Caliber Do You Believe Gun Owners Should Stockpile For SHTF?


Top Ammunition Sites (89)